We have joined 'Rose Show' in New York which handled by Harvest Wholesale on 14th December.
Harvest Wholesale is providing wide-range varieties of Roses to florists & floral designers in New York State and Connecticut State.
This Rose Show is held at LELABAR, very nice wine bar and 200 varieties of Roses have displayed in this show.
We also join this show and displayed some of special Japanese Roses and also some of Japanese exclusive flowers e.g. Gloriosa, Tweedia etc.
Show have opened for floral buyers until 7 pm then party time started from 7 pm. We exchanged information with many floral peoples in New York and it was so nice show for us to promote Japanese flowers...
LELABAR is my favorite place in NY and this bar provide very nice wines & foods suitable for wines. If you have a chance to visit NY, please visit there & enjoy wonderful wines!
422 Hudson Street (bet. Leroy &Morton).
New York, NY 10014
TEL: (212)206-0594
Japanese unusual Roses (La Campanela) was very interested by FD in NY
Unique Japanese spray Roses (Radish & Eclair) is getting popular in NY
Japanese Gloriosa & Tweedia, already popular items in NY
Beautiful Rose display on Bar counter!!!
Many floral designers joined to this event and enjoyed party time...